Kompetansepluss subject tutoring 2024
Does your business want to provide better expertise to some of the employees?
Kompetansepluss subject tutoring can offer courses to employees who in the long term want professional letters.
Then kompetansepluss subject tutoring can be a good opportunity.
Kompetansepluss is a subsidy that is fully financed by the Directorate for Higher Education and Competence (Hkdir), and provides training for employees in a company. Lovra Academy can offer courses, stationary in the Stavanger area, as well as online teaching in basic skills in both reading, writing, data and everyday mathematics related to the field. In collaboration with Farnorsk, we can offer both subject expertise, teaching materials and Norwegian education, and also together with other relevant teachers who have professional expertise and teaching experience.
The tutoring will help adults gain increased competence to master demands for change in working life and in your business. Kompetanspluss subject tutoring combines training in basic skills with subject tutoring, so that participants are better equipped to take certificate of apprenticeship as practice candidates. This gives increased self -confidence to the participants in courses, and not least, increased mastery in the job. The training will help the participants stronger and can gain more lasting connection to working life.
Kompetansepluss subject tutoring
- Through Kompetansepluss subject tutoring, employees who want certificate of apprenticeship as a practical candidate can receive up to 200 hours of course to prepare for the exam.
- Through the course, they receive a combination of subject tutoring in the relevant subject area and training in basic skills linked to subject tutoring.
- Participants must take a theory exam before going up to the exam. The participants report themselves to their respective county council to take theory exam.
- Certificate of apprenticeship as a practice candidate are a subsidy where people who are in paid work can take certificate of apprenticeship without higher education.
- The practice candidate subsidy is a documentation subsidy for persons who have a minimum of 5 years of experience in a field of study. This means that they have enough practice and a lot of expertise in the subject, in advance of taking the certificate of apprenticeship. Participants who have four years of practice in the field before start-up can fit this subsidy well.
- Lovra Academy maps employee's needs together with employer
- Employer, preferably with Lovra Academy, informs and motivates employees to participate in training
- Employer and Lovra Academy signs a cooperation agreement for current courses
- We are applying for funds for completion of courses
- Allocation is made by the Directorate for Higher Education and Competence (Hkdir)
- If their business wants to participate in this project, we will implement a plan for the implementation of courses. A deductible of the business is required, such as the purchase of books we will use on the course and contributions with salaries during the course time.
Why it is important to have a Certificate of Apprenticeship
Norway and the rest of the world are changing and working life is changing through globalization, technological development and changing needs for competence. This is also felt for those who work in traditional professions.
There is a great need for skilled labor in Norway and therefore efforts are now being made to give employees in different companies an opportunity to take Certificate of Apprenticeship as a private individual. There are constantly new competence requirements and there is a rapid change in working life. By taking more people, both the employer and the employee will be more equipped to handle restructuring, and the company will have stable workers with the right expertise.
Application deadline: March 13, 2024