Norwegian tutoring in profession

Norwegian tutoring in profession

Welcome to our Norwegian tutoring in profession courses, tailor-made for students who already have a basic understanding of Norwegian, but want to target the language towards their profession goals. The aim of the course is to strengthen the participants' language competence in various profession areas, with a focus on reading, writing, listening and oral communication in the work context.

The course will be interactive and engaging, and we will invite guest lecturers from the industry to provide insight and knowledge directly from the field. We will also emphasize preparing participants for employer and customer contact from the industry, so that they can communicate efficiently and professionally in work situations.

We have a high focus on practical exercise, and we will facilitate authentic situations where participants can practice their language skills in real work situations. This provides a unique opportunity to gain experience in using Norwegian in daily work, while providing valuable skills and confidence in working life.

  • Sales and service Norwegian: For those who work in the sales and service industry, focusing on effective communication with customers and colleagues.
  • Helsenorsk for health care workers: Aims towards health professionals and focuses on language and terminology related to health care situations.
  • Seam and textile Norwegian: Designed for those who want to communicate with customers in seams and textiles, with emphasis on technical terminology and customer interaction.
Søm og tekstil norsk

Seam and textile Norwegian course

Start date: 11.06.2024

End date: 06.07.2024

Duration: 80 hours
Check out our courses
Salg og service norsk

Sales and service Norwegian course

Start date: 15.04.2024

End date: 10.06.2024

Duration: 80 hours
Check out our courses