Our goal is to help adult immigrants master the Norwegian language and integrate seamlessly into society.
Language and career skills are the key to being well integrated into society. That is why we want to do our best to ensure that as many people as possible reach this goal.
Our Norwegian courses focus on interactive and language -promoting activities in teaching.
The courses are varied and you can choose between classroom courses or online.
Andre kurs:
- Karriereveileding i grupper eller privat.
- Kurs i montering av bunad inkludert norskopplæring for voksne innvandrere.
- Kurs i bunadsøm.
- Kurs i søm, redesign og annen tekstil.

Approved provider of Norwegian language training
Lovra Academy is an approved provider of the Directorate for Higher Education and Competence in order to offer Norwegian education and social knowledge for Norwegian immigrants.
Participants who attend courses with us receive course certificates that can be used to apply for citizenship or permanent residence permit.
Flexible classes
Flexible classes refer to the process of acquiring knowledge or skills through the use of digital technologies and the internet.
Learn from anywhere
Whether you're a busy professional, a stay-at-home parent, or a student who prefers to study effectively from home.
Other courses
Career guiding in groups or private
Course in mounting bunad including Norwegian education for adult immigrants
Course in bunad stitch

Highlighted this month

A1 Classroom
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What our customers say

Satisfied customers

We collaborate with Torill to provide Ukrainian refugees with the opportunity to study Norwegian.
I was so impressed by her willingness to help people, support them, listen to them, and understand. It was so important for Ukrainians to start studying the language without waiting for bureaucratic issues to be resolved. It's crucial for those who have lost their homes and had to flee from the war to find a new home, adapt to the society, make friends, and get integrated. Thanks to Torill, it became possible so quickly!
Hanna Surgai

I know Torill Lovra as an exciting and proactive colleague in the field of inclusion. We are both instructors within the Kompetansepluss program, which aims to strengthen basic skills among adults in Norwegian society. Lovra has both education and extensive experience, as well as excellent results and ideas when it comes to contributing to the inclusion of adult immigrants in Norwegian society. She is a pleasure to collaborate with on solutions to the challenges of inclusion in society. Lovra deserves my highest recommendations.
Sigurd Lydersen / Cand. Philo
One of the founders of the Norwegian democracy movement
Hei, I just want to say a few words about Torill and how grateful I am for all the help I've received from her during the 6 years I've lived in Norway. Torill contacted me when she heard that I had come to Norway and offered to help me integrate into Norwegian society. After I learned to use the Norwegian language, she helped me find a job in the school system since I am an art teacher. I've been incredibly fortunate to have gotten such a good job. Torill is incredibly kind, hardworking, and she recognizes when people need help.
Valentyna Loboda

A few years ago, I participated in a course called Yrkesnorsk, and I was guided by Torill. There, I experienced a lot and gained a lot of knowledge about the language and the Norwegian work environment. Let me say that it's not easy to learn and adapt to both. With the skilled teachers, it was an exciting and useful experience. I learned that I should never give up.
Tatiana Sørland

I got to know Torill four years ago at Lingu, and since then, we've worked together on many things. Getting to know a lady of her age who is involved in so many things was a great pleasure. We quickly realized that we could talk about anything, and we constantly inspire each other. Even though we haven't physically worked together all these years, we've always kept in regular contact and had a lot of laughter and fun while working. It's something that makes the work flow smoother, and we gain energy from it.
Saira Khursheed
Our core functions

Virtual classroom
Students can access course materials, participate in debates, and discussions.
Distance learning
Complete assignments from a remote location, such as home or the workplace.
Digital learning
Digital learning provides opportunities for more personalized and flexible learning experiences.
Teacher support
The goal of pedagogical support is to promote learning and growth among teachers.